I guess the best way to start off is to describe different people in my life and how they have impacted me and to tell stories about them. I have been given a blessing or a curse, i don't know which, but i impact every person's life that i touch in some form or another. It was almost a goal of mine for several years...and now it has become a part of my nature. So as a warning, none of these stories or people are to be taken lightly. They all ment something special to me and impacted a grand part of my life. There is no chronological order to these memories. I will write them down as they come to me. But again, they are not supposed to be taken lightly...they are important stories of the novel i call my life.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Beauty can be found in just about anything. Its all about perception and interpretation. Leaves dying and falling to the ground, ending thier beautiful lives of mysticism and song and starting a new role of decorating the gray concrete of the streets...can be precieved as either beautiful or depressing. I find it depressing mostly. Fall is not my more favorite seasons...or winter for that matter. I prefure Spring myself. That is when I am the most alive. I live off of the beauty of trees and the symphony of the wind against the beautiful leaves. It is who I am...I am a mystic trapped in a human world. Poetic isn't it? I believe that we are all something. It just depends whether or not we develope it and let it consume us or we keep it all bottled up and never let it become its full potential. All in all, I feel like humans are afraid to let go and become unique in a both unique and cookie-cutter society.
All in all this is my story...my life...my being.
My name is Wryn and I am 137 years old caught in suspention of a 19 year old body. I live down Peachwood Ln. both in spirit and in life.
And Anything Can Happen Down Peachwood LN.