Peachwood Ln.'s Roots
I was walking home one day from visiting my High School and there is a street near my house named Peachwood Ln. I thought the name was interesting. At first, i thought of drawing a manga to go with that name but then i realized that all my mangas that i draw turn out horrible. My brain flew with ideas of what Peachwood could be and what interesting things could happen down that street. From there, my mind started to be flooded with the thoughts of my own life and how i have always wanted to record it in some way in a story-type form. I know my own life is full of drama and events that have entertained so many of my friends. I know that it would entertain others as well. I'm not a good writer but i'm hoping that this will work out. I will be basing characters off of real people and real events. Names and places are more than likely going to be changed. Now i haven't decided at this point whether or not to make this a journal/fictional style story or to make this more of a novel type story. We will see. Whatever comes out comes out. I hope you enjoy.
-Reijn the Elfen Muse
-Reijn the Elfen Muse